This past April was a hectic month in my (Greg's) personal life this month, what with finishing up my semester at college complete with final exams, and an amazing trip to California for the Sea Otter Classic. On top of all that, my wife and I are moving. Naturally, the amount of time I've been able to spend writing hasn't been quite what I'd like it to be. I would like to thank AJ so much for picking up the slack and posting the vast majority of the articles this month. Great work dude!
Spread out over the course of the month, AJ has written an amazing, in-depth series about how to share the Christian faith with others. So far, he has published 4 detailed posts as he walks through the topic. Be sure to check this series out!
Thank you again for reading Cranial Collision. We'll hopefully be back with another update email sooner rather then later!
-The Cranial Collision Crew
Coming out of high school, as a young, seventeen-year-old adolescent, I was faced with many new and unique decisions. Some were decisions that affected my immediate future, and others were decisions that had a drastic impact on my entire life and things in the distant future. Certainly I had made many important decisions while still in high school, some that may have been well beyond the decisions that many of my peers were being faced with, but these decisions seemed different.

"What is the most important experience of my life?"
Many of you will inevitably say, "Accepting and knowing Jesus as the savior of my life." You know it's the "right" answer, but how do you let it affect you?
Now ask yourself:
"What is the most important thing that I can do to help another person?"
The answer will probably be similar, "To help him or her know Christ personally [as I do]".
Despite our conviction, doubts and worldly desires often swallow our ability to put evangelism and conversation about Jesus at the forefront of our lives. Here is a brief synopsis covering one way to have assurance and confidence in sharing your faith with the people in your life...
You may be taking time to witness every week to people in your life, but still be living as a worldly, carnal individual. In the same way, you may be spending hours in prayer and Bible study every day, but still not be living for the cause of Christ.
Scripture actively commands us to bare witness of our faith to people that we interact with. By sharing the reason for the love that we display as Christians, we are able to evangelize directly to those around us.
Spread out over the course of the month, AJ has written an amazing, in-depth series about how to share the Christian faith with others. So far, he has published 4 detailed posts as he walks through the topic. Be sure to check this series out!
Thank you again for reading Cranial Collision. We'll hopefully be back with another update email sooner rather then later!
-The Cranial Collision Crew
Collegiate Reflections: Decision Making
Coming out of high school, as a young, seventeen-year-old adolescent, I was faced with many new and unique decisions. Some were decisions that affected my immediate future, and others were decisions that had a drastic impact on my entire life and things in the distant future. Certainly I had made many important decisions while still in high school, some that may have been well beyond the decisions that many of my peers were being faced with, but these decisions seemed different.
First Amendment Sign
Good Friday Film: The Betrayal and Crucifixion of Jesus
For Easter weekend of 2010, Mars Hill Church harnessed their resources and finances in order to produce a 30 minute film depicting the callous betrayal, murder, and burial of Jesus. Just recently, Mars Hill Global has released this film to the public to be utilized as a tool to help us and others more thoroughly understand the brutality of Christ's crucifixion.Read More...
TV: Harmless Entertainment or a Costly Time Waster?
I am convinced that our culture, and our world, sets its primary focus on being entertained and having fun. One of the avenues that people use to satisfy this 'need' to be entertained is through TV and movies. Millions of people spend countless hours throughout their lifetime in devotion to this form of visual entertainment.Read More...
Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, and Organ Sales
With the ever increasing demand for organs such as kidneys, livers, eyes, and skin, some people are of the opinion that healthy, responsible adults should be able to sell their organs to the highest bidder. I agree that people should have the right to do with their bodies what they please. The federal government, in prohibiting the sale of organs, is violating the basic premises of the Declaration of Independence. The Preamble to the Declaration reads: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” The government is violating all three of these basic human rights by not allowing organ sales to be legalized.Read More...
Christianity: How You Can Be a Fruitful Witness - Part 1: Be Sure You Are a Christian
As a believer of Christ, ask yourself:"What is the most important experience of my life?"
Many of you will inevitably say, "Accepting and knowing Jesus as the savior of my life." You know it's the "right" answer, but how do you let it affect you?
Now ask yourself:
"What is the most important thing that I can do to help another person?"
The answer will probably be similar, "To help him or her know Christ personally [as I do]".
Christianity: How You Can Be a Fruitful Witness - Part 2: Have no Unconfessed Sin in Your Life
t is said that the average Christian is living a frustrated and defeated life. In fact, the vast majority of "Christians" in the world have never introduced anyone to Christ. Many would like to do so because they know in their heart that it is what God has called us to do.Despite our conviction, doubts and worldly desires often swallow our ability to put evangelism and conversation about Jesus at the forefront of our lives. Here is a brief synopsis covering one way to have assurance and confidence in sharing your faith with the people in your life...
Christianity: How You Can Be a Fruitful Witness - Part 3: Be Filled with the Spirit
Very few professing Christians are actively witnessing and sharing Christ with others on a regular basis. When done with the right motives, sharing Christ with others can boldly show that Christ is at the pinnacle of your life. However, when witnessing is done for the wrong reasons, out of a feeling of obligation and not joyously through repentance, rejection and hostility may be a common response to the message that you have to give.You may be taking time to witness every week to people in your life, but still be living as a worldly, carnal individual. In the same way, you may be spending hours in prayer and Bible study every day, but still not be living for the cause of Christ.
Christianity: How You Can Be a Fruitful Witness - Part 4: Be Prepared to Communicate Your Faith in Christ
"But even if you should suffer for righteousness, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear or be disturbed, but set apart the Messiah as Lord in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. However, do this with gentleness and respect, keeping your conscience clear, so that when you are accused, those who denounce your Christian life will be put to shame." (1 Peter 3:14-16) (HCSB)Scripture actively commands us to bare witness of our faith to people that we interact with. By sharing the reason for the love that we display as Christians, we are able to evangelize directly to those around us.
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