For many, it can be easy to fall into the temptation of doing something other than going to church. Whether it's seizing some extra time to sleep because you were up late the night before, or maybe you, instead, take some time off to enjoy your favorite extra curricular activity. Maybe it's to catchup on some homework and studying, or it could even be because you're feeling a little sickly; All of these could be the factor that causes someone to spend his or her time doing other things besides going to church.
The Question at Hand
From time to time, I encounter a person that states something of this sort: "I'm a Christian, I know that. But why should I go to Church every week?" They may go on to say something like, "I can worship God in other ways." "I prefer to read my Bible at home and meet with God one-on-one, and I think it's of equal value."