While rummaging through items from my old house (which we are now selling and moved out of), I ran across a relatively recent edition of Bike Mag. 

Knowing that I hadn't read much, if anything, from the contents of the magazine, I quickly flipped open to look across various article titles and photographs to see if anything intrigued me from that issue (to my disgrace, an action that I took before knowingly chucking it into the garbage can). 

The second thing that I flipped to was an article by a Bike Mag author named Brice Minnigh titled "7 Reasons Why We should Shred Until We're Dead".   Interesting and short enough to thoroughly catch my attention, I set aside everything else I was sorting through in order to read through the page-length article.  Among his '7 Reasons' was one statement in particular that enthralled my mind.  With sound reasoning and reflection, Minnigh states that, "No matter how long we live, we all will ultimately run out of time,"  and goes on to write more on the concept of time in regards to death.  He says:

"Always waiting around for the "right" time is simply wasting time."

Spot on Brice, spot on.
How true is it that many people, including myself, waste so much time by waiting for the right moment to do this, that, or another thing.  In my mind, wasting time by waiting involves two things:
  • + Initiative
  • + Risk
The reason that we may waste time by not taking the initiative to do something, such as ride our mountain bikes, exercise, and etc, is because we are afraid of the risk.  The same is involved with something as socially simple as asking a girl out on a date...

John is scared to ask Maryann out on a date. Why? Because of his fear of rejection and Maryann not liking him (or a variety of other reasons).  John has a perfect opportunity to ask Maryann alone when they are both leaving a friends house at the same time after having a bonfire with a group of friends. They are both walking back to their cars while making awkward small talk - When John finally works up the nerve to ask her, Maryann starts to say goodbye and proceeds to jump in her car and leave.  John is left missing his window of opportunity because of his hesitance (lack of initiative).  Next week, John hears that Maryann is dating a Junior named Karl and is no longer single.

As much as I dislike using a social dating example, here's the relation:

Risk = Being rejected/turned-down, embarrassment, fulfillment of fear(s)
Initiative = Actually asking Jane when the opportunity presents itself and/or making the opportunity to do-so

Overcoming the risk and taking the initiative is almost never regrettable, yet we, as humans, very often refuse to put our fears aside and "just do it" so to speak.

For example, in sports and performance, "just doing it" and not taking the time to dwell on miniscule chances of injury seems to be a key in becoming a better athlete at a faster rate. The same can be said for reaching a higher level of fitness, career status, and many other things.  

All in all - I think living life fully in many ways reflects your level of initiative.  Why?  Because I believe that we can easily regret many more things that we didn't do (that would have been positive if we had) than things that we did do (that may have turned out negative).  

Certainly there are exceptions in lifestyle.  Choices of foolishness, drunkenness, and folly seem to be in a different category in my mind.  Taking initiative on the "important things" is a way to be more productive and useful, by using your time more effectively and not wasting it on worrying or waiting.  While on the other hand, I don't consider it positive initiative to take action on finishing off a thirty-pack of Busch Light.... Maybe that's just my opinion.

Your Turn:
What are your thoughts on this quote?
What do you think about "taking the initiative" and risk?

4 responses to "Quote Corner: Wasting Time by Waiting"

  1. Anonymous | July 4, 2011 at 8:25 PM says:

    I have had much time to ponder thoughts such as these due to my single relationship status. And I am grateful to God that he has put me in a place to do so.

    The reason is, because you can live your life with the mentality of "just do it" but to what avail. For example, if my goals and priorities are to be the CEO of a major corporation that means to get there I will have to compromise my ethical standards to ascertain such a goal. A more direct example would be firing a good working man to "cut the fat" to make my end of the budget look good. I know that this is a very selective instance and not nessesarily a choice I WOULD have to make, but nevertheless decisions of that nature would have to make to get my end result without questioning or hesitation.

    Point being you have to have a clear path that aligns yourself with what God wants in your life. For one of these instances in my life was creating the defining aspects of what I want in a wife. My list came from the wisdom of Solomon. I would list them but I left the list at home.
    I do remember that it began with a fear of God because that’s where all wisdom begins. And also the capacity to see and meet people’s needs when myself or others were not even aware of it.

    Another example is what does God want from me right now. This I don’t know, but I do have very clear principles to follow. So currently I’m ridding myself of all my debt. This so that if I die I owe no man, and when the Lord calls me to his service there is no hesitation. My bags are packed and I’m ready to follow. The same is with personality traits and my actions. They are clearly defined so that when a need or opportunity arises there is no questioning or doubt.

    It’s a hard place to be sometimes, but I doubt there will any regret in it. In summation clearly define what your life is to be and be prepared for the unknown situation and your path will be clear and there will be no falter in your steps.

  2. Anonymous | July 4, 2011 at 8:26 PM says:

    Also my gmail wouldnt post my link. Its Caleb. Im at tehlulzlife@gmail.com

  3. I like what Caleb wrote. I agree. Build on ROCK and everything else falls into place.

  4. AJ, excellent blog post! I agree, sometimes we fail to act, fail to take initiative because of the risk involved. Sometimes we fail to try because we are afraid of all of the WORK involved! I know sometimes when I fail to fully pursue opportunities in my life it's a sign of laziness.... but then you have to balance all of the other things in life too.

    Living life isn't easy.

    Caleb, I get what you're saying. But many times there are things in life, even opportunities that God opens up, that we fail to explore because of the risk. I think this is what AJ is getting at.

    What I see you doing by eliminating debt is opening your life up to all of the possibilities that God can place in it! I think that is so cool, and commendable!

    @Clint, AMEN!

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