Just like yesterday, I want to take a moment and repost a few very insightful comments left by the Cranial Collision community. Today we're focusing on responses to my article about how the Obesity Action Coalition is destroying the concept of personal responsibility. Hopefully this illustrates just how passionate we are about quality conversation and people voicing their well-thought-out opinions!

"In the past 2 years I have personally lost 90 pounds by eating correctly, and the big one is GET OFF MY BUTT AND DO SOMETHING. If obesity was a disease then it would be a disease of the brain. People are lazy and this will only make them lazier.

Think about the last time our government did something like this. Social security. It was just there to help out the few people that actually lived to the age of 65 which was 3 years more than the average life expectancy, and even if they did it was only there to help the ones who didn't have any family to support them.

Now since families dont have to worry about taking care of their parents they send them off to a home and let the government take care of them. Causing the masses to use Social security as a retirement account. So what is the use of developing a positive and caring relationship worth your son or daughter if in the end they wont be responsible for your welfare. And this just produces an on going cycle of people just expecting for relationships to end when they turn 65 so why teach my children any different, and the end result is a exponential downhill trend.

The point being that this obesity counsel is the same thing. Why worry about what to eat when a counsel will tell you. Why worry about the injections, and physicals, and medicines. They have to be good for you.

I know these are harsh words. I am not saying them to tell you they are so. I am spurring you all on to think before you react. Maybe this is all to drastic. Maybe these people do have the best interest of others in mind. I just know that this has the stink of corporate agenda and malaise off the masses all over it, and in the end we could end up with a big spoonful of Soylent Green."

"Gregory , you hit the nail on the head. It is a choice. It is a personal responsibility to educate ourselves about nutrition and exercise and then 'Just do it'.
I also think in this instant everything society/world, when people do start on the road to healthier living and weight loss, they lose steam because it takes consistency and hard work and time to see the wanted results. We have forgotten how to be patient and hang in there for ourselves and those we love sometimes. But, let us remember , IT IS FAR WORTH IT."


Your turn: By all means, feel free to continue to add your comments on this topic!

2 responses to "Adding to the Conversation: The Obesity Action Coalition"

  1. Greg, I personally lost 85 lbs. all by myself. I do not believe I had a disease, I was depressed and ate a lot to feel better. I did not exercise and that compounded the issue. Here's my story http://apabstsmear.blogspot.com/2011/01/putting-it-out-there.html It really upsets me that people these days do not take action and would rather play the blame game. It's always someone else's fault. If we take action and admit why we are the way we are only then can we truly heal and become healthier. Acknowledgement is hard to do, but is part of the process.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Wendy. I love success stories!

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