I'm Not Who I Was

AJ Heil | 11:39 AM

My life has been transformed.  
A formerly hateful, abusive, and angry individual, I have now been reconciled to God through the blood of Christ.  This reconciliation, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, has impacted my life in intensely vivid ways.  

Relationships with several of my family members and friends, once bruised and crushed, have been completely restored and rectified - Something that I had previously thought to be impossible.  Destructive habits and attitudes that were once a significant part of my life - such as struggles with self-worth, pornography, lust, and envy - have been eliminated and defeated.  I have gained a sense of purpose and passion in my life that I could not achieve on my own. 

God's redeeming grace has changed my life dramatically.  It has provided me with a reason to celebrate, a reason to write, and a reason to glorify His name!

"I wish you could see me now   
 I wish I could show you how   
 I'm not who I was"

Brandon Heath's song, "I'm Not Who I Was," reminded me of all of the ways that my life has changed over the past two years, and how it relates to the people I have interacted with in the past.  It highlights the new perspective and forgiveness that has been gained by Brandon, myself, and many other people as well.

"Well the thing I find most amazing  
  In amazing grace   Is the chance to give it out  
  Maybe that's what love is all about"

Join me in listening to Brandon's song through this music video.  I encourage you to take to heart the emotional/expressive aspects of this song coupled with the importance and meaning of the lyrics:

The following video clip is a segment compiled by the artist himself concerning the theme and purpose of "I'm Not Who I Was."  I highly encourage you to take the time to view it as well in order to more fully understand and relate to the song and its origin.


Reader Response:

What do you think of this song?  How does it impact you?
How does the message relate to your life?

3 responses to "I'm Not Who I Was"

  1. Awesome stuff AJ! I have seen your life change over the last couple of years, and it has been incredible to watch!!! Praise God!

    Great song, and great insights from it. You're an inspiration!

  2. I was mired in the bottom of a slimy pit,
    Now I am safe in the arms of Jesus.

    "I'm not who I was ..."
    I love you AJ

  3. AJ, this is so powerful!God's love transforms us like nothing else. You have no idea how much your spiritual growth has blessed your family and friends as well. :)

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