Introduction: The Core

-Movie: Explain the scene, or show it on DVD (23:16-27:07)
-They deduce from abnormal phenomena that the Core of the Earth has stopped
-As a result, the electro magnetic field surrounding the earth that blocks radiation will soon no longer function
-Earth will be destroyed in 3 months
-Unless they drill to the center of the earth and restart it.

-If something is messed up with the core, it affects everything else.
-Same with the gospel.
-If we don’t understand the gospel accurately, it can unhinge the rest of our lives.
-So let’s look at what happens when the “core” of the gospel is “stopped”

Bible: Galations 2:11-16
-Read with feeling and passion. (Consciously try to help the kids understand that the Bible is alive, that the people in it actually lived.)

Q: Why did Peter originally begin “eating with the Gentiles?”
-Began eating with the gentiles because God had shown him that “we are acceptable before God only by faith in Christ.” Peter knew that the law and rituals couldn’t make someone clean/holy.

Q: Do you know when this happened?
-Blanket coming down from heaven with creatures
A: Acts 10:9-16

Q: Well, why did he stop?
A: Jews came into the room
-”When Peter withdrew from the Gentiles, it was not just cowardice but ‘hypocrisy.’”
-Didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of those Jews
-Not acting based on “his deepest understanding and convictions.”

Q: What do you think Paul meant when he said that Peter was not “acting in line with the truth of the gospel?” (How is racism not ‘in line with the gospel?’)
A: Discrimination, racism (Against Gentiles bc of who they are and what they did or did not do)
-Jesus loves everyone equally.
-As Peter well knew, no one can do the “right things” and be accepted by Jesus because of it.
-It DOES NOT depend on us!

-Need to bring everything in line with “the core.”
-Think of it’s implications in every part of our lives.
-The Core affects everything!

Q: In verses 15-16, Paul talks of being “made right” by Jesus Christ. How does the controversy over the ‘clean laws’ shed light on the meaning of “being made right?”
-The law cannot do it.
-They were trying to make themselves right through washing.
-We cannot do it on our own. It is all Jesus’s work!
-He died on the cross and took our sins upon himself.
-HE did the work, HE paid the price!
-In Christ we are clean!

The “Core” Operating Correctly:

Gospel is news rather than instruction.
-”It is not advice about what we must do to reach God. We do not achieve this salvation. We only accept it.”
-NLT translates “Gospel:” good news.

Q: Quick review: what is this good news?
-That it doesn’t depend on our works, but rather Jesus’s:
The Gospel is grace rather than merit.
-Gospel: obey BC we are accepted by Christ
-Religion: accepted BC I obey
-”But a lack of deep belief in the gospel also is the main cause of spiritual deadness, fear, and pride in Christians, because our hearts continue to act on the basis ‘I obey, therefore, I am accepted.’”
-Gospel: Way to meet God, and way to grow in him!

-The core of the gospel doesn’t just maintain the status quo, it propels us!

The Gospel is reversal of the weak and the strong.
-”those who receive his salvation are not the strong and accomplished but those who admit they are weak and lost.
-Everything the world values is flipped on its head!
-This is the good news BC we could never be good enough or work hard enough.
-We would fail

-Let’s understand the core, and get it operating correctly in our own lives!

-Just like in the movie, if the core is messed up there are going to be serious ramifications.
-But if we get the “core” right, it will protect us, and propel us forward into Jesus’ Arms!!!

Works Cited
This is based on the "Gospel Christianity" study by Tim Keller.

I will be teaching my church's youth group for most of this spring. Yesterday I wrote a blog post containing some of my thoughts on my new ministry role.

3 responses to "Lesson Notes: "What Is the Gospel?""

  1. It all starts with the core, no? Wonderfully conceived and expressed. Thank you!

  2. very good, -brianW

  3. @clint and brianw, Thanks guys, glad I hit the target.

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