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It is said that the average Christian is living a frustrated and defeated life. In fact, the vast majority of "Christians" in the world have never introduced anyone to Christ.  Many would like to do so because they know in their heart that it is what God has called us to do.  

Despite our conviction, doubts and worldly desires often swallow our ability to put evangelism and conversation about Jesus at the forefront of our lives.  Here is a brief synopsis covering one way to have assurance and confidence in sharing your faith with the people in your life...

Personal Preparation

1. Be Sure That You Are a Christian

2. Have No Unconfessed Sin in Your Life

Sin is what separates us from God.
If there are sinful attitudes and actions in your life, they are hindering your fellowship with God.  If this sin is present,  He cannot live through you by the Holy Spirit.  You will neither be a joyful Christian, and you will certainly not be a fruitful witness and example of Christ if you are dwelling in sin.

In Old Testament times, it  was necessary for a priest to off a sacrifice on an altar, usually an animal for the use of blood.  Luckily for us, and our pets and cattle, Jesus Christ came as God's sacrifice to shed His blood on the cross for our sins.  Through Christ, and only Christ, there is no further need of more sacrifices to be made for our sins.

To make Christ's death on the cross meaningful in your life, you must confess your sins, accept His sacrifice as the full and final payment for your past, present, and future sins.
(Bill Bright)

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

In order to reconcile our relationship with God through Christ Jesus' Sacrifice, we must actively enter into confession.

Confession involves the following three steps:

Acknowledgment of Sin

Acknowledge that the sin you have committed is wrong. Acknowledge that your sin is what separates you from God - No sin can enter into His presence.  This step involves agreeing with God, through the Word of scripture, that your sin is wrong.
 I cried out to him with my mouth;
   his praise was on my tongue.
If I had cherished sin in my heart,
   the Lord would not have listened; 
                               (Psalm 66:17,18)

Acknowledgment of Christ's Sacrifice

Acknowledge that all of your sins were paid for by Jesus through His blood shed on the cross.
Take this time to thank Christ for dying in order that you could dwell with God, glorifying and magnifying Him for eternity!


"Repent" literally means "to have a change of mind."  This consists of changing your attitude towards sin.  Changing your attitude and perspective of sin will, by the power of the Holy Spirit, lead to a change in your actions and behavior.

Repentance has to be genuine.
In repentance, you willingly turn from the desires of the world and, instead, putting God's will as a priority.  This will show as evident in your life, otherwise, your confession and repentance may not have been truly genuine.

If you'd like to read more in-depth about confession, see "Spiritual Breathing" which explains and emphasizes making confession a daily habit in your life.

Confession is essential for living a holy life and is necessary to become a fruitful witness for Christ.  Only through Him will you have the power to share your faith effectively with the people in your life.

1 response to "Christianity: How You Can Be a Fruitful Witness - (Part-2: Have No Unconfessed Sin in Your Life)"

  1. Excellent. So many people I know are in self-denial about their sin. If we are really honest with ourselves, we realize we are far less than perfect and have done, said, thought things that are not pleasing to God. It is so freeing to admit and confess.

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