Note: This lesson was created with much help from McKay Caston and Tim Keller's Gospel Christianity study.


Hypothetical issue: What would you say if the judge in the cop killer case in Athens were to serve the murderer’s sentence - which likely will be the death penalty? How would you react? That actually is what has happened in the gospel.

Romans 3:21-26

1. v.21-25 What can we learn from these verses about what this "righteousness from God" is and how we acquire it?

What it is:
-Right = legal term, having nothing against you (liabilities, etc).
-“Right with God” = no liabilities before God
-Righteousness = legal standing as a result of perfect behavior
-Religion says it must be earned/achieved
- The gospel says it must be received, not earned or achieved
- Righteousness in the gospel is result of someone else’s work.
- Jesus earned / achieved righteousness by keeping the law perfectly

How it is received
-Not faith in general
-Not faith in God
-IS faith “in Jesus Christ” and the work he did on the cross
-Not “a general admiration of him”
-Even more specific: “Through faith in His blood.”
-Faith in him as the basis for our legal standing before God.

2. v.24-26 Why does God only justify through his atoning sacrifice? Why can’t God just forgive us?

-Barrier between us and God
-He is love, but he is also JUST
-God must satisfy both his justice and his love [huge point!]

3. v.25-26 How can Jesus’ "atoning sacrifice" make God both "just" AND "the one who justifies" of those who believe?

-“Sacrifice of atonement” = propitiation
-“A turning away of wrath” [or, “to satisfy justice”]
-God sacrificed himself for us.
-“The Biblical doctrine of the cross is not about human beings trying to appease a begrudging, unwilling god, but about the Lord himself coming and voluntarily putting forth himself as the substitutionary payment”

-Satisfied both the wrath and love of God in the same action.

Augustine, "The cross did not secure the love of God; the love of God secured the cross."

1 response to "Lesson Notes: "Why Did Jesus Have to Die?"

  1. This is great! I thoroughly appreciate reading through these notes.

    "-Barrier between us and God
    -He is love, but he is also JUST
    -God must satisfy both his justice and his love [huge point!]"

    How great is the Lord's love for us! I cannot fathom the impact of His sacrifice!

    We can find meaning and purpose in life in nothing else but living for eternity. We must make Christ our cause, our priority, to make this life matter. How radical is that?

    Some may say, ahh but that's not true, I have plenty of meaning and purpose in raising my kids and seeing them through college. I would challenge them to rethink that. Where do you find meaning and purpose beyond that? In death.

    The more I question - the more I doubt - and the more I seek answers to those questions, the more I am convinced that I can only find meaning and purpose in Jesus Christ.

    This is real. This is legit.
    Thanks for the notes on the gospel yet again! Loving it.


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