Welcome to our second resource roundup! This week I wanted to take some time to highlight three distinctive articles from John Piper's Ministry Blog, Desiring God. From a Christian perspective, these articles have provided me with added insight and I hope they will spark interest in you as well!

Desiring God is a collaboration of resources, most of which are authored and/or produced by Pastor John Piper of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis. If you would like to learn more about what Desiring God is all about, a short mission statement for their ministry can be found here.

Life Is Not Trivial

Despite the fact that this article was written more than 30 years ago, it still rings true to this day. In this post, Piper explores the idea of life being insignificant and meaningless, and concludes that such a thing would be impossible based on the way nature exists, from what he reads in scripture, and what he feels as a human being.

Jesus Was Never Too Busy

We all feel it at one time or another - The feeling of being overwhelmed by our schedules, and too busy to do everything that we would like or that is demanded of us. Budgeting our time is a huge aspect of life; in fact, it is life! Where better to look for an example of how we should spend our time than to the life and ministry of Jesus Christ?

Is God a Megalomaniac? Right Answer. Wrong Reason.

Megalomania in this context = An obsession with power and authority.
Is God selfish in scripture by praising himself? Piper provides evidence for why it is essential that God "must uphold his own glory as the supreme value of the universe."


2 responses to "3 Impactful Articles from John Piper"

  1. Hey AJ, these are awesome articles! I don't think I would have found and read these if you hadn't pointed them out. Thanks for sharing! I especially like the first two, and it is awesome that the one is so relevant even though it's 30 years old!

  2. our greatest ABILITY is our AVAILABILITY............

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